The Refractories, work in progress

Ismael Vargas Guillen died in 1992 in Sweden. The announcement of the death of my paternal uncle is one of my strongest childhood memories, and it was years later that I would understand that it was not for emotional reasons, but rather symbolic ones. We are both, these refractory characters of the family, those who have not followed the straight line of a correct life within a Catholic and modest society of Central America.

Through archives, images of spaces and elements representative of Costa Rica and Sweden, I produce a photographic narrative that seeks to link the past and the present in order to recreate a "mirror of life" between the journey of my Uncle Ismael and mine. This is to question the “sense of belonging” and notions of identity construction mainly linked to family dynamics and the experience of emigration.


Gallomania est un projet en cours qui analyse la relation entre les habitants des Hauts-de-France et les gallinacés au-delà du but productiviste, pour montrer que ces animaux ont une place plus significative, à la fois dans un sens émotionnel et écologique, dans la société française, et que ces conceptions se sont réaffirmées après la crise sanitaire.

Ce projet est soutenu par le dispositif PRAC 3.0 (Projets à Rayonnement Artistique et Culturel) de la Région des Hauts-de-France

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